
Please take notice of the following disclaimer. TripsWithBenefits.com is intended to be used as an online dating website. Our members are welcome to use the site to find travel companions or buddies, to travel with and make memories. As a result, all escorts (online escorts, travel escorts, call girls) are strictly prohibited. Anyone using the website as a means to date for money, public hookups, hotel hookups or the like is asked to kindly leave the site.

TripsWithBenefits.com is not to be confused with an escort site/ call girl site as it is purely an online, travel dating service provider.

We encourage all our members to report any suspicious activity including but not limited to members referring to escort sites, or escort travel services.

TripsWithBenefits.com is not responsible for the traveling members, this website is just a middle way between travelers ,so they can know each other and arrange future trips.